Sunday, 16 November 2008

The Tower

Blargh. Here are some experimental drawings for my latest project, which focusses on sequence and narrative. The theme is "The Tower", and these images relate to chambers within a colossal alien relic. I was attempting to try out new ways of working, moving away from fineliner for a while, into the terrifying realm of charcoal and paint.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Back from the Dead

Wow, I can't believe it's been three months since I last posted something! Argh, that's shameful. Oh well, here are a couple of recent pieces, which are the final outcomes for the last two projects I've been set. The top one is based on the theme of the "credit crunch", and the bottom one is my submission for the University of Brighton open day poster.

Right, now that I'm back in Brighton and (supposedly) working hard again, I'll try to update this more often!

Sunday, 27 July 2008

Concept Art Sketches

The pen drawings at the top were done most recently (yesterday and today), but the others are sketches I made over a year ago, and have only just unearthed (I thought they related fairly well with my recent scribbles). They're all set in some strange Art Deco/Aztec/Steampunk world that I haven't really developed beyond this...

Tuesday, 22 July 2008


Some relatively recent pencil drawings from my visual diary. Considering how far behind I am with it, there are unlikely to be any more like this for quite some time!
From top: Don S. Davis, Jack Black, Rafael Nadal.


Illustrations of various creatures belonging to 'Cryptozoology'. From top to bottom: Owlman of Mawnan, Fear Liath, Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp, Mothman.

I really should probably get round to doing the remaining borders at some point. And maybe do a couple more similar illustrations and make a zine out of them? We shall see...



Just a couple of drawings I did quite a while ago. The city was supposed to be a piece of concept art for a short story that never really got off the ground (surprisingly). The other drawing is a self-portrait constructed mainly from images of places I have visited (and I few that I haven't been to, but would like to visit one day).


Oh, look what I did.

Ok, first post...nothing to write. I guess it's my intention to keep this blog up to date as much as is humanly possible (or Lyally possible) - with lots of drawings, outrageous creative ideas and the occasional tidbit of wisdom. But mostly drawings. I have an inkling that this may not be the way it turns out (off to a positive start!)....but I will TRY god damn it.

Right, I'm off to scan stuff! (wow)